Working Bibliography on Place

Agnew, J.A. 1987. Place and politics: the geographical mediation of state and society. Boston, MA: Allen and Unwin.

Agnew, J.A., and J.S. Duncan, eds. 1989. The power of place: bringing together geographical and sociological imaginations. Boston, MA: Unwin Hyman.

Altman, I., and S.M. Low, eds. 1992. Place attachment. 12 vols. Vol. 12. New York and London: Plenum Press.

Anderson, K., and F. Gale. 1992. Inventing places: studies in cultural geography: Longman Cheshire; Wiley; Halsted Press.

Bender, T. 1978. Community and social change in America. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Bender, B., ed. 1993. Landscape politics and perspectives, Explorations in anthropology. Providence, R.I. and Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Bird, E.A.R. 1987. The social construction of nature. Environmental Review 11:255-265.

Brandenburg, A.M., and M.S. Carroll. 1995. Your place, or mine: the effect of place creation on environmental values and landscape meanings. Society and Natural Resources 8 (5):381-398.

Buttimer, A., and D. Seamon, eds. 1980. The human experience of space and place. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.

Canter, D. 1977. The psychology of place. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.

Cantrill, J.G. 1998. The environmental self and a sense of place: communication foundations for regional ecosystem management. Journal of Applied Communication Research 26:301-318.

Cestero, B. 1999. Beyond the hundredth meeting: a field guide to collaborative conservation on the West's public lands. Tuscon, AZ: Sonoran Institute.

Cheng, A.S. 1999. Who's In Place, Who's Out of Place?: Examining the politics of natural resource collaboration. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Cuba, L., and D.M Hummon. 1993. A place to call home: identification with dwelling, community, and region. Sociological Quarterly 34 (1):111-131.

Duncan, J., and D. Ley, eds. 1993. Place/culture/representation. London, England: Routledge.

Entrikin, J.N. 1991. The betweenness of place: towards a geography of modernity. Balitmore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Evernden, N. 1992. The social creation of nature. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Eyles, J. 1985. Senses of place. Warrington, UK: Silverbrook Press.

Eyles, J., and D.M. Smith, eds. 1988. Qualitative methods in human geography. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

Feld, S., and K.H. Basso. 1996. Senses of place. Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press.

Fitchen, Janet M. 1991. Endangered spaces, enduring places : change, identity, and survival in rural America. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Gallagher, W. 1993. The power of place: how our surroundings shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. New York, N.Y.: Harper-Perennial.

Greider, T., and L. Garkovich. 1994. Landscapes: the social construction of nature and the environment. Rural Sociology 59 (1):1-24.

Haeberle, S.H. 1988. People or place: variations in community leaders' subjective definitions of neighborhood. Urban Affairs Quarterly 23 (4):616-634.

Hirsch, E., and M. O'Hanlon. 1995. The anthropology of landscape: perspectives on place and space. London, UK: Clarendon Press and Oxford University Press.

Hiss, T. 1990. The experience of place. New York, N.Y.: Alfred A. Knopf.

Huntington, C.C., and F.A. Carlson. 1934. The geographic bases of society. New York, N.Y.: Prentice-Hall.

Johnston, R.J. 1991. A question of place: exploring the practice of human geography. Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.

Kaplan, R., and S. Kaplan. 1989. The experience of nature: a psychological perspective: Cambridge University Press.

Keith, M., and S. Pile, eds. 1993. Place and the politics of identity. London, England and New York, N.Y.: Routledge.

Kemmis, D. 1990. Community and the politics of place. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.

Knight, D.B. 1983. The dilemma of nations in a rigid state structured world. In Pluralism and political geography: people, territory, and state, edited by N. K. and S. Waterman. New York, N.Y.: St. Martins Press.

Kramer, B. 1995. Classification of generic places: explorations with implications for evaluation. Journal of Environmental Psychology 15 (1):3-22.

Kruger, L.E. 1996. Understanding place as a cultural system: implications of theory and method. Doctoral dissertation, Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

Light, A., and J.M. Smith, eds. 1998. Philosophies of place. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

McGinnis, M.V., J. Woolley, and J. Gamman. 1999. Bioregional conflict resolution: rebuilding community in watershed planning and organizing. Environmental Management 24 (1):1-12.

Mesch, G.S., and O. Manor. 1998. Social ties, environmental perception, and local attachment. Environment and Behavior 30 (4):504-519.

Miller, B. 1992. Collective action and rational choice: place, community, and the limits of individual self-interest. Economic Geography 68:22-42.

Minami, H., and K. Tanaka. 1995. Social and environmental psychology: transaction between physical space and group-dynamic processes. Environment and Behavior 27 (1):43-55.

Mitchell, M.Y., J.E. Force, M.S. Carroll, and W.J. McLaughlin. 1993. Forest places of the heart: incorporating special places into public management. Journal of Forestry 91 (4):32-37.

Moore, G.T., and R.G. Golledge, eds. 1976. Environmental knowing: theories, research, and methods. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross.

Norton, B.G., and B. Hannon. 1997. Environmental values: a place-based theory. Environmental Ethics 19 (3):227-245.

Paddison, R. 1983. The fragmented state: the political geography of power. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.

Power, T.M. 1996. Lost landscapes and failed economies: the search for a value of place. Covelo, CA and Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Pred, A. 1984. Place as historically contingent process: structuration and the time-geography of becoming places. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 74 (2):279-297.

Proshansky, H.M., A.F. Fabian, and R. Kaminoff. 1983. Place-identity: physical world socialization of the self. Journal of Environmental Psychology 3 (1):57-83.

Relph, E. 1976. Place and placelessness. London, England: Pion Limited.

Rodman, M.C. 1992. Empowering place: multilocality and multivocality. American Anthropologist 94 (3):640-656.

Rodríguez, S. 1987. "Land, Water, and Ethnic Identity in Taos." In Land, Water, and Culture: New Perspectives on Hispanic Land Grants, edited by Charles L. Briggs and John R. Van Ness. 311-403. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

Sack, R.D. 1980. Conceptions of space in social thought: a geogrpahic perspective. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

Sack, R.D. 1992. Place, modernity, and the consumer's world: a relational framework for geographical analysis. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Sack, R.D. 1993. The power of place and space. The Geographical Review 83 (3):326-329.

Schneekloth, L.H., and R.G. Shibley. 1995. Placemaking: the art and practice of building communities. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons.

Schroeder, H.W. 1996. Voices from Michigan's Black River: obtaining information on "special places" for natural resource planning. St. Paul, MN: North Central Forest Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service.

Starrs, P.F. 1994. The importance of places, or, a sense of where you are. Spectrum: The Journal of State Governments 67 (3):5-17.

Stokols, D., and S.A. Shumaker. 1981. People in places: a transactional view of settings. In Cognition, social behavior, and the environment, edited by J. H. Harvey. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Tuan, Y.F. 1974. Topophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Tuan, Y.F. 1977. Space and place: the perspective of experience. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Twigger-Ross, C.I., and D.L. Uzzell. 1996. Place and identity processes. Journal of Environmental Psychology 16:205-220.

Walmsley, D.J., and G.J. Lewis. 1993. People and environment: behavioral approaches in human geography, 2nd Ed. New York: Longman Scientific & Technical with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Walter, E.V. 1988. Placeways: a theory of the human environment. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press.

Williams, D.R., M.E. Patterson, J.W. Roggenbuck, and A.E. Watson. 1992. Beyond the commodity metaphor: examining emotional and symbolic attachment to place. Leisure Sciences 14:29-46.

Williams, D.R., and M.E. Patterson. 1996. Environmental meaning and ecosystem management: perspectives from environmental psychology and human geography. Society and Natural Resources 9 (5):507-521.

Williams, D.R., and S.I. Stewart. 1998. Sense of place: an elusive concept that is finding a home in ecosystem management. Journal of Forestry 96 (5):18-23.